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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 9

In this programme, Murray is on manoeuvres with the very latest army vehicles, while guest reviewer, Eilidh Davies, test drives the Seat Mii.

Tha Murray ri eacarsaich leis na carbadan airm as ùire, am Foxhound luach £1 millean nam measg, agus bidh Eilidh Davies air aoigheachd ann an Seat Mii. Tha feartan sàbhailteachd inntinneach ann am Mii, ach an uair a dh'fheuchas Eilidh iad, chan eil cùisean a' dol buileach mar bu chòir.

Tha an 'ceann-connaidh', Mark Mac a'Phearsain à Tong a' sealltainn a' Chorsa atharraichte aige dhuinn agus tha spòrs gu leòr ann agus sgioba Rèisean Craicte drùidhte a-rithist!.

In this programme, Murray is on manoeuvres with the very latest army vehicles, including the new million pound Foxhound, while guest reviewer, Eilidh Davies, test drives the Seat Mii. The Mii has some exciting new safety features, but when Eilidh tries them out, things don't go according to plan.

This week's Petrolhead is Mark MacPherson, from Tong, who shows off his customised Corsa, and there's more fun and games as the team get wet on the Wacky Race track.

30 minutes
