Calum MacDonald reviews what's been happening in the world of sport in the past year, including a look back at the Natwest Island Games which took place in Bermuda.
Calum Dòmhnallach leis an taghadh as fhèarr bho shaoghal Spòrs 2013. Bithear a' coimhead air ais air Geamannan nan Eilean a thachair ann am Bermuda, teanas le bliadhna shònraichte aig Anndra Moireach, camanachd, rugbaidh, ball-coise agus gu leòr spòrs eile.
Calum MacDonald reviews the sporting highlights from 2013. A look back at the Natwest Island Games which took place in Bermuda, tennis, with a successful year for Andy Murray, shinty, rugby and football also feature amongst the year's highlights.
Last on
Alasdair Friseal ag aithris air Geamannan nan Eilean
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Bliadhna math eile dha Daibhidh Bogie
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum MacDonald |
- Sat 21 Dec 2013 19:30
- Sun 22 Dec 2013 18:00