Here Be Dragons...
In the light of the second instalment of Peter Jackson's Tolkien-inspired Hobbit trilogy - "The Desolation of Smaug" - which is launched on Friday, Matthew Sweet focuses on music inspired by fantasy, myth and adventure. Including music by Howard Shore written for Jackson's Tolkien films.
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Music Played
Howard Shore
Howard Shore: Icarus
Orchestra: Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra. Conductor: Howard Shore.- Decca.
Randy Edelman
Randy Edelman: To The Stars
Conductor: Randy Edelman. Orchestra: Studio Orchestra.- MCA.
George Fenton
George Fenton: Shadowlands (End Credits)
Orchestra: London Symphony Orchestra.- EMI.
John Powell
John Powell: This is Berk
Conductor: Gavin Greenaway. Orchestra: Studio Orchestra.- Varese Sarabande.
Alex North
Alex North: The White Horse - Into The Sunset
Conductor: Erich Kunzel. Orchestra: Cincinnati Pops Orchestra.- Telarc.
Edward Shearmur
Edward Shearmur: Marauders
Orchestra: London Metropolitan Orchestra. Conductor: Andy Brown.- Varese Sarabande.
Howard Shore
Howard Shore: The Ring Goes South
Orchestra: London Philharmonic Orchestra. Choir: London Voices. Conductor: Howard Shore.- Reprise Records.
Mikl贸s R贸zsa
Miklos Rozsa: Sinbad's Decision
Orchestra: Rome Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Mikl贸s R贸zsa.- Prometheus.
Mikl贸s R贸zsa
Miklos Rozsa: Prelude
Conductor: Mikl贸s R贸zsa. Orchestra: Rome Symphony Orchestra.- Prometheus.
Mikl贸s R贸zsa
Miklos Rozsa: Arrival of the Homunculus
Conductor: Mikl贸s R贸zsa. Orchestra: Rome Symphony Orchestra.- Prometheus.
Howard Shore
Howard Shore: Girion, Lord of Dale
Conductor: Howard Shore. Orchestra: Studio Orchestra.- Watertower.
Howard Shore
Howard Shore: The Bridge of Khazad Dum
Conductor: Howard Shore. Orchestra: London Philharmonic Orchestra. Choir: London Philharmonic Choir.- Reprise Records.
Howard Shore
Howard Shore: The Bridge of Khazad Dum
Conductor: Howard Shore. Choir: London Philharmonic Choir. Orchestra: London Philharmonic Orchestra.- Reprise Records.
John Williams
John Williams: Welcome to Jurassic Park
Orchestra: Studio Orchestra. Conductor: John Williams.- MCA.
Tan Dun
Tan Dun: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Orchestra: Studio Orchestra. Performer: Yo鈥怸o Ma.- Sony.
- Sat 7 Dec 2013 16:00麻豆社 Radio 3
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Sound of Cinema
Matthew Sweet's weekly look at music for the screen