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Fo Dhubhar Pol Pot/Bare Hands and Wooden Limbs

Documentary telling the story of a group of landmine survivors who decide to create a farming village of their own in Cambodia.

Ann an naoi-ceud-deug seachdad 's a ceitheir, b' e naimhdean air leth a bh' ann an Touj Soeurly, commandair an Khmer Rouge agus Chhem Sip, a bha ceithir-bliadhna-deug a dh'aois. Bha Sip sa phrìosan, dh'fhuiling e cràdh uabhasach agus bha e fortanach faighinn às le a bheatha nuair a fhuair e air Aimeragaidh a ruighinn.

Chaill Soeurly a chas ann an cath. Tha an dithis seo, a bha nan nàimhdean, an-diugh ag obair còmhla gus coimhearsnachd a dhèanamh ann am Veal Thom, baile co-oibreach far a bheil feadhainn a bha air gach taobh dhen chogadh a' fuireach còmhla ri an cuid theaghlaichean. Sgeulachd mu dhaoine a thàinig tron chogadh agus a tha a' cruthachadh tuathanasan dhaibh fhèin ann an Cambodia.

In 1974 former Khmer Rouge commander Touj Soeurly and the fourteen year old Chhem Sip were deadly enemies. Sip was imprisoned, tortured, and just barely managed to escape with his life to the US. Soeurly lost his leg in battle.

Now these two former enemies are working together to make possible the community of Veal Thom, a cooperative village composed primarily of disabled veterans, from both sides of the war, and their families. The story of a group of landmine survivors who decide to create a farming village of their own in Cambodia.

56 minutes
