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Beitidh Ghoggach/Betty the Gogg

Episode 13 of 26

Children's show. Betty is ill and scared about missing the beauty contest. She tries one of the Gogg's medicines, which has a strange effect on her.

Tha eitidh tinn agus eagal oirre gun caill i farpais bòidhchead a tha a' gabhail àite sa bhaile. Tha i a' feuchainn air aon de na cungaidhean sònraichte aig na Goggan agus tha rud gu math annasach a' tachairt! Saoil an tèid aig Bhipo agus Sèidean a cuideachadh ann an ùine?

Betty is unwell and scared that she'll miss the village's beauty contest! She tries one of the Gogg's medicines, which has a very strange effect on her. Can Vipo and Sèidean help her in time for the contest?

12 minutes
