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Da la san Damhair/Two days in October

Comedy mockumentary. Follow six characters through five interwoven stories over two days in October as they travel to the Mod, being held in the city.

Gach bliadhna bidh àite air choireigin ann an Alba a' cur fàilte air a' Mhòd. A h-uile Dàmhair, bidh sluagh às gach ceàrnaidh den t-saoghal a siubhal thuige. Anns a' chomadaidh ùr seo, leanaidh sinn sianar dhiubh sin 's iad a dèanamh air a' Mhòd anns a' bhaile mhòr. Thairis air uair a thìde, coinnichidh sinn ri 'Ishi' seinneadair òg le tarraing ùr-nodha air òrain Ghàidhlig; 'WD', a bhios ag aithris a chuid bàrdachd a h-uile cothrom a gheibh e; 'Flo agus Lenny' aig a bheil taigh-aoigheachd agus air a bheil iomadh uallach a-bharrachd air leabaidh is bracaist; 'Neilleagan' am breitheamh, 's e sireadh àrd urram agus drama mhòr; agus 'Torcuil', a dh'ionnsaich Gàidhlig, nach eil gann de bheachdan agus e deasachadh airson Farpais a Bhuinn Òir. A-rithist. Suas chun an fheasgar mus tòisich an Fhèis, leanaidh sinn an t-sianar thairis air dà là san Dàmhair.

Every October the Mod takes place somewhere in Scotland.

Every October, people from all over the world travel to it. Join six of these travellers as they head to the big city for the Mod in this brand new one off comedy.

Over the course of the hour, you'll meet 'Ishi', the young singer with a very modern approach to singing; 'WD', the travelling poet who can't help launching into verse; 'Flo and Lenny' the B&B owners with much more on their plate than just breakfast; 'Neilleagan', the judge hoping for high honour and a dram or two; and 'Torcuil', the Gaelic learner whose opinions might just touch a nerve or two, as he enters the Gold Medal Competition. Again.

We discover what their connection to the Mod is, and follow them over the course of two days in October as they travel from all over Scotland; right up until the night before the Mod starts.

1 hour

Last on

Sat 14 Oct 2017 22:00


Torcuil's Guide to Being a Gael

Torcuil's Guide to Being a Gael

Torcuil Lamont takes a light-hearted look at what it is to be a Gael in the 21st century