Episode 1
In the first programme of the new series, Derek and new presenter Megan are looking forward to the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014.
A' chiad phrògram san t-sreath ùr aig Dè a-nis? agus tha presentair ùr againn - Megan a Mòrar. Bidh sinn a' faighinn a-mach barrachd mu dheidhinn Megan leis An Rud as Fhèarr Leam agus bidh Derek a' dèanamh a dhìcheall Glaschu a shealltainn dhì agus i ùr anns a' bhaile mhòr.
Bidh sreathan beaga ùra a' nochdadh cuideachd: Bidh Stephanie agus a brà thair beag Seumas a' sealltainn dhuinn ghnothaichean cruthachail agus an t-seachdain sa bidh iad a' sealltainn ciamar a nì thu Loony Olympics anns a' ghà rradh. Le sùil ri Geamaichean a Cho-Fhlaitheis a bhitheas a' tachairt ann an Glaschu an ath bhliadhna, bidh na presentairean gar toirt air chuairt air feadh an t-saoghail gu na diofar dhùthchannan a tha anns a' Cho-Fhlaitheis. Bidh iad còmhla ri Clyde sa phrògram seo.
The first programme in the new series of Dè a-nis and there is a new presenter - Megan from Morar. We will find out more about Megan as Derek does his best as a tour guide to show Megan the sights of Glasgow. Stephanie and younger brother Seumas bring us some Loony Olympics that can be played in the garden.
With the Commonwealth Games happening in Glasgow next year, all the presenters will be taking a trip around the world to look at the countries that make up the Commonwealth. In this episode they are with Clyde, the Games mascot.
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Na rudan as fhèarr le Megan
Duration: 04:22
Coinnich ri Clyde
Duration: 03:08
Dèan fhèin e le Steph ‘s Seumas: Oilimpeacs Crà icte
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