The story of the Lewis Pipe Band, as they step up to meet the challenge of the European Championships in Forres.
Tha Còmhlan Pìoba Leòdhais air a bhith nam pà irt de bheatha nan Eilean Siar fad iomadh bliadhna, agus san là 'n-diugh, 's e measgachadh farsaing a tha na lùib - bho luchd-obrach comhairle, drà ibhearan, tidsearan, croitearan, is eile. Ann an 2012 ghabh iad pà irt ann am farpais còmhlain phìoba Bhreatainn - dìreach an dà rna turas aca a' farpais aig an ìre-sa. Shoirbhich leotha na b'
fheà rr na bha iad an dùil, an dà rna à ite, agus chaidh an à rdachadh suas gu ìre 4A.
Cha robh seo ach toiseach-tòiseachaidh dhaibh ge-tà . Am-bliadhna cho-dhùin iad feuchainn air farpais Còmhlain Phìoba na Roinn Eòrpa son a' chiad uair - cruinneachadh de mu 120 còmhlan bho air feadh an t-saoghail.
Caismeachd nan Leòdhasach - sgeulachd na buidhne dà na seo is sinn ga leantainn thar nam mìosan agus seachdainean thrang ullachaidh, agus an iomadh dùbhlan a tha fa-near dhaibh air an t-slighe, beag is mòr, 's iad a' gabhail ceum ùr iongantach còmhla!
The Lewis Pipe Band have long been an integral part of island life in the Western Isles, and today's band is made up from people from all walks of life. 2012 saw the band head for the British Pipe Band Championships - only the second time they'd ever taken part in a competition at that level. To their huge surprise, they finished second in their grade and were promoted to grade 4A.
Not content with this success though, the band were hungry for more and this year decided to make their debut at the European Pipe Band Championships in Forres - a competitive gathering of no fewer than 120 pipe bands from all over the world.
This programme tells the story of the months and weeks of prep, the ups and downs and the many challenges - small and large - along the way for the band, as they write a brave, new chapter in their history!
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Tha Còmhlan Phìoba Leòdhais ag ullachadh airson farpais mhòr
Duration: 00:51
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