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Màthraichean Mosuos/Fire Girl

Documentary about the Mosuos - a unique matriarchal society in China. Ignoring the rules of marriage, they don't believe in the oath of fidelity.

Aig oir Loch Lugu, ann an Yunnan, tha coimhearsnachd iongantach màthrachail nam Mosuos a' fuireach. Chan eil iad a' creidsinn ann an riaghailtean co-cheangailte ri pòsadh.

Tha Touentou aon bhliadhna air fhichead, agus tha dà naoidhean aice. Tha diofar athraichean aca, ach tha am modh-beatha aca a' ciallachadh nach eil an athair a' gabhail compàirt sam bith nam beatha.

At the edge of Lugu Lake in Yunnan, the Mosuos are a unique matriarchal society. Ignoring the rules of marriage, they don't believe in the oath of fidelity.

Touentou is a 21-year-old girl who lives among them. Although she is only 21, Touentou has already got two little babies, each one of them from a different father. As tradition dictates, the fathers have no role to play in the children's lives.

55 minutes
