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Còmhla ri Iain Mac'ille Mhìcheil

Cuiridh Iain Mac 'Ille Mhìcheil agus Catherine Hannoway an deireadh-sheachdain air a' chasan. John Carmichael and Catherine Hannoway get your weekend off to a perfect start.

Còmhradh, craic is ceòl math tlachdmhor - gach oidhche Haoine, le Iain Mac 'Ille Mhìcheil. A-nochd bidh Iain a' cuir fàilte air Catherine Hannoway à Leòdhas a bhitheas a' taghadh ceithir roghainnean ciùil pearsanta. Cluinnear cuideachd measgachadh de cheòl dùthchail, sean is ùr agus stuth Gàidhlig is Ceilteach.
John Carmichael brings you a warm and lively wind-down listen, at the end of the week. This week John chats to Catherine Hannoway from Lewis who gets to choose four songs she considers her favourites. We'll also hear a variety of music ranging from traditional country and western stars to some of the best contemporary singer songwriters along with Gaelic and Celtic performers. Well worth a listen.

2 hours


  • Fri 19 Jul 2013 21:00