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Sgàthan An Anma/Escapes

Episode 16 of 18

Meeting those who head for Scotland's wilds and enthusiasts and pioneers who feverishly escape to their garages and sheds.

Dha dùthaich mar Alba a chaidh a stèidheachadh airson soirbheachas agus gnìomhachas, ro thric tha an obair agus an strì a tha an lùib beatha an là an-diugh a' faighinn làmh an uachdair. Leis an sin tha mòran a-nise ag amas air teicheadh bhon bheatha dhùbhlanaich seo gus àite brìgheil dhaibh fhèin a chruthachadh. Àrainn a tha a dh' aona ghnothach dhaibhsan, mun neach, leis an neach agus airson an neach - àrainn a mhaireas. Bhon fheadhainn a ghabh dha na beanntan air tòir tìr a' gheallaidh aca fhèin ann am fàsach na h-Alba, gu an luchd dealasach a tha a' teicheadh gu togarrach dha an cuid gharaidsean agus seadaichean - siridh
Sgàthan an Anma àitichean-falaich na dùthcha.

A nation conceived for prosperity and industry such as Scotland can all too often become about the toil and struggle of modern living. Many people feel the need to escape this great battlefield of business and create their own portion of hallowed ground. A space peculiar and fitting for each person, by themselves and for themselves. From those who have gone over the mountain top and seen their own promised land in Scotland's wilds, to enthusiasts and pioneers who feverishly escape to their garages and sheds, this episode explores hideaways across Scotland.

1 hour
