Ailean Caimbeul agus Uilleam MacRobbie a' leantainn orra gu baile Meallan Theà rlaich. Allan Campbell and William MacRobbie continue their journey from Aultbea to Mellon Charles.
An toiseach an-diugh, tha Ailean Caimbeul a' coinneachadh ri Steaphan MacÌomhair a bhuineas do Nà st sa sgìre. Tha e 'g innse mun ùidh a th' aige sa Ghà idhlig agus mar a thug sin gu Bonn Òr a' Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich e aig a' cheann thall. Cluinnidh sinn Steaphan a' seinn, Òran nan Cìobairean, òran às a' sgìre.
Ruigidh Uilleam agus Ailean cidhe an Allt Bheith agus tha Uilleam a' toirt dhuinn dealbh air ciamar a bha e coltach aig à m an Dà rna Cogaidh leis na bha de theà rainteachd mu chuairt na sgìre an uair sin, agus tha 'd cuideachd a' dol tro bhaile Mheallan Theà rlaich.
Cluinnidh sinn cuideachd bho Khay Nic Mhathainn, à tasglann Radio nan Gaidheal, agus i fhèin a' cuimhneachadh air Loch Iù aig à m an Dà rna Cogaidh.
Allan Campbell and Willie MacRobbie still in the village of Aultbea and Allan meets young local man Steven MacIver from Naast, a fluent Gaelic speaker now employed with Bòrd na Gà idhlig. Steven describes how his interest in Gaelic developed and his progress to a Mod Gold Medal. Steven can be heard singing the local song "Òran nan Cìobairean"
Allan and Willie visit the pier at Aultbea and Willie describes how it would have looked during World War 2, and the extensive security which surrounded the Gairloch District at the time. They travel through the village of Mellon Charles to the site of the Boom Defence depot, and Willie describes how the booms were launched and handled by trawlers.
From a 1988 Â鶹Éç Radio nan Gà idheal programme Kay Matheson describes her personal childhood memories of Loch Ewe during WW2 and German bombing raids of the merchant and Royal Navy shipping. Willie describes the considerable local employment which the base generated both during and post war.
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- Mon 13 May 2013 13:30Â鶹Éç Radio nan Gà idheal
- Mon 13 May 2013 22:00Â鶹Éç Radio nan Gà idheal
- Sun 19 May 2013 13:00Â鶹Éç Radio nan Gà idheal