Every year, hundreds of thousands of Africans risk their lives trying to get into Europe, on journeys that begin full of hope and idealism.
Gach bliadhna bith ceudan de mh矛ltean de daoine a Afraga a cuir an beatha ann an cunnart feuchainn ri gluasad chun an Roinn E貌rpa. Tha iad a t貌iseachadh an turas aca lan d貌chas agus misneachd gus am buil e oirre de a tha eatarra agus an Roinn E貌rpa. Eadar a bhith a call airgead ann a bhith a toirt br矛ban gu oifigearan truaillte gu cunnart bas ann an Libia , is se seo an pris a tha iad de貌nach p脿igheadh.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of Africans risk their lives trying to get into Europe. The journey begins full of hope and idealism until the realisation of exactly what stands between them and Europe. From loss of money in bribes to corrupt officials to death and possible internment in Libya this is the gamble they take.