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Eucoraich Easgaidh/Oileanaich an Oillt
13/13 L.O.S.E sign up to the local gym to get fitter.
Craoladh gun Chiall/Amaideas sna h-Iarmailtean
12/13 Bholtar decides to destroy TV. He also becomes the smartest man in town.
Suirghe Aingidh/A' Phiseag Mheallta
11/13 Skullossus plans to drill to the centre of the world but can he also fit in his hot date?
Muhaha!/Dealbhan Beò
10/13 Voltar gets upset and is furious when his portrait isn't included in an art exhibit.
Mùthadh Reòthte'/'An Stailc Mhòr'
9/13 Ruadh's 'brain freeze' inspires Bholtar to tap into the evil power of ice cream.
Cuilean air Chall/Chez Bholtar
8/13 Bholtar's newest plan looks set to backfire when his evil restaurant proves to be a hit.
Prìosan Pà iste/Eucoraich Bheag
7/13 Bholtar finds himself being marched to day-care where life is not so fun!
00-Luain/Dannsa Crà iteach
6/13 The superheroes have big do-gooding plans but Bholtar is sure that he can stop them.
Saoghal nan Aisling'/Salchar Gun Chrìoch
5/13 Bholtar sets out to win a battle in his dreams, and the LOSE lair needs a tidy.
Mama Ruadh & An Tobar Mhiann
4/13 Trutar Ruadh is sick and in need of some care. Bholtar is cursed with a run of bad luck.
Speur-dhaolan & Bathar Sgriosail
3/13 The League sneaks on to Skullosus's space station by posing as pest exterminators.
Caismeachd Bholtar & Bann a' Cheartais
2/13 Skullosus is to lead the Village Parade and Niall a' Cheartais's clones himself.
Bholtopia & Brògan Laochail
1/13 Thinking that they have destroyed the planet, Bholtar and Cròg decide to re-build it!