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Episode 1

Dog trainer Christina MacAulay introduces the class to the basics and presenter Donald MacSween discovers that it's not as easy as he'd first thought.

Anns a' chiad phrògram den t-sreath, bidh sinn a' coinneachadh ri 10 coin agus am maighstirean gus am faigh sinn a-mach carson a tha iad airson pàirt a ghabhail ann an Sgoil nan Cuileanan.

Tha neach-trèanaidh choin, Christina NicAmhlaigh, a' tòiseachadh le na bunaitean is an clas a' feuchainn Coimhead orm, Suidh', Sìos, Seas agus beagan obair air an Iall.

Chan eil cùisean buileach cho furasta sa bha preseantair, Dòmhnall MacSuain an dùil ge ta, agus tha Julie Dhòmhnallach, eòlaiche Sgoil nan Cuileanan, a' tadhal air Ann-Marie agus an Irish Wheaten Terrier aice, Breagha, airson comhairle a thoirt dhaibh le trèanadh an taigh bhig.

In the first episode of the series we meet all ten dogs and their owners and discover why they've signed up to Sgoil nan Cuileanan.

Dog trainer Christina MacAulay introduces the class to the basics as they get to grips with 'watch me', 'sit', 'down' and 'stand' followed by Lead work.

Presenter Donald MacSween discovers that training his dog Bud is not as easy as he'd first thought and Julie MacDonald, Sgoil nan Cuileanan's resident dog behaviourist, visits class members Ann-Marie and Breagha the Irish Wheaten Terrier to give them some helpful advice on toilet training.

30 minutes

Last on

Wed 6 Jul 2016 19:00

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Role Contributor
Presenter Donald MacSween
Participant Christina MacAulay
Participant Julie MacDonald
