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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 16

Air ò貹 an t-seachdain-sa, bi an sgioba a' toirt thugaibh aithisgean bho Romàinia agus Èirinn. The ò貹 team reports from Romania and Ireland.

30 minutes

Last on

Mon 17 Dec 2012 10:00

Doire no Londonderry?

Doire no Londonderry? A rèir ‘s cò thu, no cò ris a tha thu bruidhinn, dh’fhaodadh tu fear sam bith a thaghadh. ‘S e baile th’ ann le dà ainm is le dà choimhearsnachd fa-leth. Tha an abhainn Feabhal a’ ruith eadar na Nàiseantaich Caitligeach ann an Taobh a’ Bhogaich san taobh siar, is na h-Aonachdaich Pròstanach ann an Doire Trasna air an taobh sear. A-nis ged-tha, tha am baile far do thòisich Trioblaidean Èirinn Tuath, is far an do thachair Bloody Sunday, a’ faighinn urram sònraichte a sheallas mar a tha e air atharrachadh thar nam bliadhnaichean. Chan eil saighdearan tuilleadh a’ coiseachd na sràidean is tha seann bhallachan a’ bhaile gan taisbeanadh do luchd-turais. Chaidh an t-seann ghearasdan a thoirt dhan bhaile saor an asgaidh bho Mhinistreachd an Dìon

Le Doire/Londonderry 2013, tha am baile gu bhith na chiad Bhaile Chultarail Bhreatainn. Tha dùil ri iomadach tachartas, ach a bheil a h-uile duine gun teagamh toilichte le na tha tachairt? Tha Darren Linc air a bhith a’ rannsachadh.

Derry or Londonderry?

Derry or Londonderry? It could be either, depending on who you are or to whom you’re talking. This is a city of two names with a story of two conflicting communities. The River Foyle divides the Catholic Nationalist Bogside in the west from the Protestant Unionist Waterside in the east. Now though the city, where Northern Ireland’s Troubles began and where Bloody Sunday happened, has received an accolade which reflects its transformation in recent years. With no more soldiers and no more checkpoints, the city walls are now a tourist attraction. The old barracks have been donated to the city by the Ministry of Defence

Derry/Londonderry 2013 sees the city become Britain’s first ever City of Culture. Many cultural and artistic events are due to be held, but is the population truly united behind the project? Darren Laing investigates.

Eucoir eadar-lìn ann an Romàinia

Mu dhà uair a thìde an iar thuath air Bucharest ann an Romàinia tha baile, Râmnicu Vâlcea. Air a’ chiad shealladh, cha chanadh tu gu bheil mòran ann a tharraingeadh aire ùghdarrasan agus luchd-naidheachd bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Ach ann an 2006, dh’fhàs an t-àite ainmeil airson an ìre de dh’eucoir eadar-lìn a bha ga dhèanamh ann. Rinnear uimhir, luach nam milleanan, ‘s gun d’fhuair am baile am far-ainm “Hackerville”. Tha eucoir eadar-lìn fhathast na dhuilgheadas san dùthaich. Chaidh ò貹 ann son faighinn a-mach carson a tha an seòrsa eucoir seo cho bitheanta agus dè a thathas a’ dèanamh mu dheidhinn.

Cybercrime in Romania

Approximately two hours drive north west of Bucharest is the town of Râmnicu Vâlcea. Initial impressions give little indication that this town attracted the attention of authorities and journalists from all over the world. In 2006 the town gained notoriety for the amount of cybercrime taking place there. Such was the extent of the fraud, worth millions, that the town was nicknamed Hackerville. Cybercrime is still a problem in Romania. ò貹 reports on why this crime is so prevalent and on what is being done about it.


Role Contributor
Producer Rebecca MacLennan
Producer Rebecca MacLennan


鶹 Naidheachdan

鶹 Naidheachdan

Naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh sa Ghàidhlig bhon a' BhBC
