Gaelic arts series. A programme exploring the life of Allan Campbell MacLean as a writer, political activist and his relationship with his adopted Highland home.
Tha 90 bliadhna bho rugadh Ailean Caimpbeul Mac'illeathain, 霉ghdar a thug be貌 do chloinn saoghal d矛omhair le tachartasan iongantach agus sin le sgeulachdan st猫idhichte anns an Eilean Sgitheanach, far an d'rinn e a dhachaidh airson iomadach bliadhna. Bha clann eolach air tro leabhraichean mar The Hill of the Red Fox agus Master of Morgana ach bha e cuideachd a' sgriobhadh do dh'inabhaich. Tha am program seo a'toirt iomradh air an duine agus a bheatha mar sgriobhadair agus cuideachd
mar fhear le uidh mhor ann am polataigs.
Author Allan Campbell MacLean who was born 90 years ago brought Highland mystery and historical adventure to children far wide having made his home for many years on the island of Skye. Known by children for titles such as The Hill of the Red Fox and the Master of Morgana he also wrote for adults. This programme explores his life as a writer ,a political activist and his relationship with his adopted Highland home.