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Bàta -teasairginn an t-Òib/The Leverburgh Lifeboat

Episode 3 of 18

The inspirational story of how the South Harris community came together and raised a crew for their new lifeboat.

Tha coimhearsnachdan timcheall air ceann a deas na Hearadh air a bhith ag iomairt airson bàta- teasairginn fhaighinn dhan sgìre airson greis. Fhuair iad naidheachd bhon RNLI gun robh iad dol a dh' fhaighinn bàta airson bliadhna, aig a' char as lugha, mar dheuchainn.

'S e seo a' chiad stèisean den t-seòrsa a tha an RNLI air a stèidheachadh ann an còrr is fichead bliadhna agus tha obair mhòr air thoiseach air na seachd duine deug anns a' chriutha ùr. Tha dithis no triùir dhiubh ag obair aige mar-thà, ach 's e glè bheag de dh' eòlas a th'aig càch. Tha dùbhlain romhpa ma tha iad dol a bhith deiseil mus tig am bàta aca aig deireadh an t-samhraidh 2012.

Bàta-teasairginn an t-Òib - sgeulachd iongantach mu choimhearsnachd a' tighinn còmhla agus a' togail criutha airson a dhol gu muir anns an t-sìde as miosa airson beatha a shàbhaladh.

Communities around the South of Harris have long been campaigning for a lifeboat to be stationed there. The RNLI have approved a trial period of at least one year.

This is the first all-weather lifeboat station that the RNLI have set up in over 20 years and the 17 brand new crew members have a lot of work ahead of them. A few of them have experience working on boats, however the rest of them have very little knowledge of the sea. The pressure is on to get the crew trained up and ready to go 'live' by the end of the Summer 2012.

The Leverburgh Lifeboat - The inspirational story of a community coming together and raising a crew to go out in the worst of weather to save lives at sea.

1 hour
