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Beò anns an Òcrach/People of the Wasteland

More than four million people live in the world's rubbish dumps, eking out a living from society's waste - more than half are children.

Tha còrr is ceithir millean neach beò ann an òcraichean an t-saoghail, gan cumail fhèin beò leis an sgudal a tha daoine eile a' tilgeil air falbh. 'S e clann a th' ann am barrachd air leth dhiubh, a' fulang mì-cheartas, bochdainn agus cion diù.

More than four million people live in the world's rubbish dumps, eking out a living from the waste of society. More than half of these are children, victims of profound social injustice, poverty and neglect.

55 minutes
