Buaidhean a lean mòr-thubaist Chernobyl ann an 1986 (naoi-ceud-deug ochdad 's a sia). The after effects of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.
Ann an 1986 (naoi-ceud-deug ochdad 's a sia), spreadh reactar 4 ann an ionad niuclasach Chernobyl. Chaidh 40 sa cheud dhen Roinn Eòrpa a thruailleadh. Thog ùghdarrasan na Sòbhiet sarcophagus concrait gus an reactor a chur fodha, ach 25 (còig air fhichead) bliadhna an dèidh sin, tha feum air gun tèid a dhaighneachadh agus thathar a' planadh fear ùr.
In 1986, reactor number four on Chernobyl's nuclear plant exploded, contaminating 40 per cent of Europe. Soviet authorities built a sarcophagus to cover the damaged reactor, but 25 years later the sarcophagus needs to be made secure and a new one is planned.
Last on
Ginealach ùr à Chernobyl / A new generation from Chernobyl
Duration: 01:02
- Wed 15 Aug 2012 21:00
- Wed 25 Sep 2013 21:00