Ball-coise anns na Favelas ann an Rio de Janeiro. Football in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
Ann am bailtean bochd Rio de Janeiro, na Favelas, tha ball-coise air a chleachdadh mar dh貌igh air taic mhoralta agus foghlam a thoirt don fheadhainn 貌g a tha fuireach an sin. Gan cuideachadh a' feuchainn ri na Favelas fh脿gail agus 矛re proifeiseanta a ruighinn nan cluicheadairean ball-coise, tha Jorginho agus Josimar a b' 脿bhaist a bhith a' cluich airson an sgioba n脿iseanta.
In Rio de Janeiro's shanty towns - the volatile Favelas - football is used as a moral and educational tool to provide stability to the lives of the young people that live there. Helping them are former national team icons such as Jorginho and Josimar to try to make the grade as professional footballers and hopefully escape the Favelas.