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Gaisgich Florence/Florence Fight Club

Bàll-coise Florence - farpais gu math diofraichte. Florentine Football - a tournament with a difference.

Tha ceathrar fhear a' cur romhpa compàirt a ghabhail san spòrs chòmhraig as sine ann an eachdraidh. Farpais Bàll-coise Florence. Thèid athair is mac, buidsear is dealbhadair-grafaic, dhan ionad-spòrsa, a' mùchadh nan eagalan aca, a' dol thairis air na crìochan aca, agus gus a bhith nan gaisgich airson latha.

Four men decide to enter in the oldest combat sport in history, The Florentine Football tournament. A father and son, a butcher and graphic designer will enter in an arena to overcome their fears, go beyond their limits and become heroes for a day.

50 minutes
