Episode 8
Fun and banter galore as two teams compete in a battle of wits over words, phrases and proverbs, with Hugh Dan Maclennan trying to maintain order!
Spòrs agus dibhearsain gu leòr is dà sgioba a' dol an aghaidh a chèile gus faicinn cò is eòlaiche air faclan, abairtean is seanfhaclan na Gà idhlig. Anns a' phrògram mu dheireadh den t-sreath bidh Niall Midseasan cuide ri Mà iri Anna NicDhòmhnaill agus Mà iri Bremner ann an cuideachd Iain MhicIllemhìcheil, le Ùisdean MacIllInnein a' cumail ceann a' mhaide riutha uile.
An entertaining half-hour as two teams compete to see who is the more knowledgeable when it comes to Gaelic words, phrases and proverbs. In the last programme of the current series Neil Mitchison joins Mary Anne Macdonald and Mary Bremner teams up with John Carmichael, with chairman Hugh Dan Maclennan attempting to maintain order.
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Seanfhacal - Altram do leanabh am-bliadhna ...
Duration: 00:49
Mà iri Bremner is Iain MhicIllemhìcheil
Mà iri Anna NicDhòmhnaill is Niall Midseasan
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Hugh Dan MacLennan |
Participant | John Carmichael |
Participant | Mary Anne Macdonald |
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