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A documentary about Alain Robert, the diminutive French climbing sensation who has climbed most of the tallest building in the world.
Tha an streapadair ainmeil, am Frangach Alain Robert, air a mh貌r chuid de na togalaichean as 脿irde san t-saoghal a dh矛readh, bhon Eiffel Tower ann am Paris gu Sears Tower ann an Chicago agus an Taipei 101 ann an Taiwan.
A documentary about Alain Robert, the diminutive French climbing sensation who has climbed most of the tallest buildings in the world, from the Eiffel Tower in Paris to the Sears Tower in Chicago and the Taipei 101 in Taiwan.
Last on
Thu 22 Aug 2013
Tha Alain Robert ainmichte mar sreapadair
Duration: 00:33