Episode 19
An t-seachdain a-rithist, tha sgioba ·ˇĂ˛°ů±č˛ą ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn ·ˇĂ˛°ů±č˛ą.
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Suidheachadh nam boireannaich ann an AlbĂ inia
Women’s changing position in Albania
DĂ m connspaideach ann an Portagail
Tha sgeama dealain hydro air connspaid adhbharachadh ann an Portagail oir tha pà irt den leasachadh ùr gu bhith ann an sgìre Alto Douro, sgìre a tha air inbhe dualchas na cruinne a chosnadh bho UNESCO air sgà th luach co-choitcheann air leth. Tha uallach air buidhnean glèidhteachais agus na companaidhean a tha a’ dèanamh an fhìon a tha fà gail Alto Douro ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail gu bheil seo a’ dol a dhèanamh sgrios air an sgìre agus air na gà rraidhean fìona, agus gu bheil inbhe dualchas na cruinne ann an cunnart. Tha an riaghaltas ag rà dh ge-tà gu bheil e cudromach cumhachd agus obraichean a chruthachadh ach gu bheilear cuideachd a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun tèid dualchas na sgìre a ghlèidheadh.
Controversial dam project in Portugal
A new hydro-electric dam is causing controversy in Portugal. Part of the development is in the Alto Douro region - a region with world heritage status bestowed by UNESCO in recognition of the area’s outstanding universal value. Conservation groups and those involved in making the Douro’s world- renowned wines are deeply concerned about the project. They fear that the dam could have a negative impact on the environment and on the areas’s wine production, and that it could ultimately lead to the loss of world heritage status. However, the government maintains that it is important to generate power and to create jobs, but that the area’s valuable natural heritage will be preserved.
Staing an eaconomaidh ann an Valencia
Tha sporan riaghaltas ionadail Valencia sa SpĂ inn an ìre mhath falamh. Nuair a bha misneachd Ă rd is eaconamaidh na cruinne a’ fĂ s chaidh na milleannan mòra a chosg air a’ bhaile ath-nuadhachadh. Chaidh 1.3 billean Euro a chosg air lĂąchairt nan ealain agus saidheans, fichead millean eile gach bliadhna air son rèis Formula 1 a chumail, agus 180 millean Euro air port adhair nach deach a chleachdadh riamh. A rèir an riaghaltas roinneil, bha feum aig an sgìre air pròiseactan lèirsinneach gus an eaconomaidh a bhrosnachadh. Chaidh ·ˇĂ˛°ů±č˛ą ann gus tomhais buaidh na cosgais air seirbheisean agus muinntir an Ă ite.
Economic difficulties in Valencia
In Valencia in Spain the regional government’s coffers are almost empty. When the economy was booming and optimism was at its peak millions were spent on regeneration the city. 1.3 billion Euros were spent on the palace of arts and sciences, 20 million Euros a year on hosting Formula 1, and 180 million Euros on an airport that has never been used. The regional government says that investment in ambitous projects was needed in order to stimulate the economy of the region. ·ˇĂ˛°ů±č˛ą went to Valencia to examine the effect of economic difficulty on services and the residents of the region.
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Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe