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Aria a Afraga/Cape of Good Voices

Episode 21 of 35

In South Africa, singing is as popular as football, and every year the Cape Town Opera House's best up-and-coming singers tour around South Africa.

Ann an Afraga a Deas, tha seinn cho cumanta ri ball-coise, rud a tha stèidhichte ann an dualchas làidir nan coisir. Aon turas gach
bliadhna, tha seinneadairean ùr Taigh Opara Cape Town a' dol air chuairt ann am bus beag airson siubhal air feadh Afraga a
Deas. Tha na rionnagan òga opara ag amas ùidh a thogail a-measg clann sgoile le na h-òrain aca agus aig an aon àm a' cumail
sùil a-mach airson tàlant ùr seinn.

In South Africa singing is as popular now as football, a fact rooted in their strong choral traditions.. Once a year the The Cape
Town Opera House's best up-and-coming singers take to the road in a mini bus to travel the length and breadth of South Africa.
The young opera stars aim to generate interest amongst schoolchildren with their songs and at the same time keep an eye out for
new vocal talent.

50 minutes
