Episode 6
An t-seachdain a-rithist, tha sgioba ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹.
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Romà inia agus Schengen
Bidh Ruaraidh Rothach ann an Romà inia a' rannsachadh na h-adhbharan airson Romà inia a chumail a-mach à Schengen, aonta a tha a' ciallachadh gun urrainn daoine siubhal eadar dùthchannan a tha san roinn sin gun cead siubhail. Le cuid do dhùthchannan a' cuir à s leth Romà inia gu bheil coirbteachd agus cùilteireachd ro bhitheanta dè a tha iad a' dèanamh gus ìre Schengen a ruighinn? Chaidh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ air faire le Poileas nan Crìochan ann an Romà inia gus fhaicinn dè tha iad a' dèanamh gus dèiligeadh ri cùilteireachd.
Romania and Schengen
Roddy Munro investigates the reasons for the latest delay in Romania's Schengen accession, the agreement which allows travel without a passport between countries which are part of the Schengen area. Some EU states feel that Romania is still not doing enough to tackle corruption and to tighten border control, with reports that smuggling across Romania's borders is widespread. What is Romania doing to tackle these problems and reach the required level for Schengen entry? ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ went on patrol with the Romanian border police to see what measures they are taking in order to deal with smuggling.
Luchd-obrach inimreach ann an Slobhinia
Gu h-eachdraidheil bha bith-beò mhath ri fhaotainn aig luchd obrach inimreach ann an Slobhinia. Anns na là ithean a dh’fhalbh bha obair pailt is cùisean cothromach. Chan ann mar sin a tha e air a bhith do chuid à Bosnia san latha an-diugh. Tha feadhainn ag rà dh gun deach brath a ghabhail orra le companaidhean togail, agus gu bheil na mìltean Euro ann an tuarastal air a chumail bhuapa.
Immigrant workers in Slovenia
Historically Slovenia was a good place for migrant workers- wages were high and conditions fair. Unfortunately, for some Bosnian workers this has no longer been the case. They allege exploitation at the hands of construction companies, and they claim to be owed thousands of Euros in unpaid wages.
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Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe