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Mèinnearan Chile/Chilean Miners

Episode 19 of 35

On 13th October 2010 the rescue of 33 miners from the San Jose Mine in Chile had the world on the edge of their seat.

Air an treas là deug den Dàmhair 2010 bha an saoghal air bhioran nuair a chaidh 33 mèinnear a shàbhaladh à Mèinn San Jose ann an Chile. Thachair seo às deidh cha mhòr 10 seachdainnean de phlanadh agus tolladh, tha am prògram seo a' leantainn na sgioba 's iad a' feuchainn ri na mèinnearan a thoirt air ais gu uachdar na talmhainn gu sàbhailte.

On 13th October 2010 the rescue of 33 miners from the San Jose Mine in Chile had the world on the edge of their seat. It was the culmination of almost ten weeks of planning and drilling, this programme follows the team as they try to ensure the safe return of the men to the surface.

45 minutes
