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Tha sgioba sgileil sas ann an obair lannsa 'son beatha ur thoirt dhan t-saoghal. We watch as new life is brought into the world by a team of dedicated professionals.

Tha Samantha air bhioran 's I feitheamh dhol fo lannsa 'son an leanaibh aice fhaighinn ach feumaidh I fuireach treiseag fhathast 's dail air tighinn air cuisean.

Mur a tionndaidh an leanaibh aig Tracy feumaidh I fhein dhol fo lannsa ach an dean an Dr Reid cobhair orra?

A bhean gluinn' Kareen Laird a'rannsachadh bheil tinneas an t -siucair air Janet Chaimbeul agus tha sinn a ' faighinn mineachadh bho ard dhotair air na trioblaidean dh'fhaodadh bhi na chois ma tha
Bithidh sgeul aig Cameron ri innse 'n uair a dh'fhasas e mor mu'n uair aig an deach a'bhreith agus comhairle do Catherine Anne 's I fulang le losgadh brat Mu dheireadh thall Samantha air a h - ullachadh 's a faighinn dhan theater, 's gu dearbh chaneil e toirt fada gu faigh I sealladh air
an naoidhean.

Mum Samantha anxiously waits to go to theatre for her elective Caesarean but a delay means she has even longer to wait.

First time mum Tracy will also have her breech baby delivered by Caesarean section -unless Dr Reid can manipulate baby into the correct position for the natural birth Tracy so desperately wants.

Meanwhile, midwife Kareen Laird tests first time mum Janet Campbell for gestational diabetes, while Consultant Obstetrician Dr Russell Lees explains the implications of diabetes on pregnancy.
We hear why Cameron will have an interesting story to tell about the time of his birth when he is older and heartburn is making Catherine Anne's life a misery - can her Gaelic tutor Mattie, who just happens to be a retired midwife, offer her any advice?

Samantha is finally prepared for surgery and goes into theatre.Within a matter of minutes her baby is born.

30 minutes

