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Soraidh le Seann Shomhairle

Old Somhairle is about to be given a new home, but before he leaves he is called out to help Lucas with a very difficult rescue mission.

Tha am bàta-teasairginn dàna, Lucas, deònach gabhail ri dùbhlan sam bith. Fhad 's a tha Lucas 's an sgiobair aice, Alasdair, trang a' dìon nan cuantan, tha muinntir a bhaile iad fhèin trang - le spòrs 's mire gu leòr!

For the daring and brave young lifeboat Lucas, there is no job too daunting. And while Lucas and coxswain Alasdair are busy protecting the seas, the other residents of the town find plenty of adventures of their own.

Tha Seann Shomhairle gus dachaigh ùr fhaighinn ach, mus falbh e, feumaidh e fhèin 's Lucas obrachadh còmhla airson fìor dhùbhlan-theasairginn a choileanadh.

Old Somhairle is about to be given a new home, but before he leaves he is called out to help Lucas with a very difficult rescue mission.

5 minutes
