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Bùth a' Bhaile (The Village Shop)

A look at the lives of people who run village shops in remote areas. The challenges, the difficulties and the satisfaction.

Bùth a' bhaile - tha i air a bhith aig teas meadhan ar coimhearsnachdan fad linntean. Cha mhòr gun robh baile dùthchail gun bhùth aig aon àm. Ach dè an suidheachadh a th' ann an diugh? Ann an sgìre àlainn, iomallach Ùige air Eilean Leòdhais, 's ann leis a' choimhearsnachd a tha bùth na sgìre. Coinnichidh sinn ris na daoine a tha ga ruith, nam measg Dòmhnall Iain Moireasdan, no Fin mar as fheàrr a dh' aithnichear e, a rugadh 's a thogadh ann an sgìre Ùige, 's a tha a' toirt òrdughan gu dachaighean dhaoine air feadh na sgìre le bhàn na bùtha. Ann am baile Lagain ann am Pàirce Nàiseanta a' Chàirn Ghuirm, tha bùth a' bhaile ga-rìreibh aig cridhe na coimhearsnachd, 's iad mu uair a thìde air falbh bhon bhaile as fhaisg, An Gearasdan.

The Village Shop - it's been at the very heart of our communities for many years. At one time almost every rural village would have had its own shop, but how are things today? In the stunning, remote area of Uig in Lewis, the local shop is owned by the community themselves. We meet those who run it, amongst them, local character Donald John Robertson, who delivers orders throughout the area in the shop van. In Laggan, in the Cairngorm National Park, the local village shop is very much a lifeline to the area, with the nearest town, Fort William, an hour away.

1 hour
