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Leumadairean na Luinge Luidich

Adventures with Lifeboat Luke. Sandy and Seòras prove a challenge to Lucas when they head to sea with faulty equipment.

Tha am bàta-teasairginn dàna, Lucas, deònach gabhail ri dùbhlan sam bith. Fhad 's a tha Lucas 's an sgiobair aice, Alasdair, trang a' dìon nan cuantan, tha muinntir a bhaile iad fhèin trang - le spòrs 's mire gu leòr! Tha Sandy 's Seòras rin cuid cleasan turas eile 's iad a' tabhann cothrom snàmh cuide ri na leumadairean dha daoine a tha rudeigin faoin. Ge-tà, tha iad a' dèanamh gu muir gun sealltainn ri uidheamachd sam bith 's chan eil fada gus am feum iad Lucas a ghairm.

For the daring and brave young lifeboat Lucas there's no job too daunting. And while Lucas and coxswain Alasdair are busy protecting the seas, the other residents of the town find adventures of their own. Sandy and Seòras embark on yet another money-making venture, this time offering people the chance to swim with dolphins. However, they head to sea without checking their equipment and soon they and their passengers find themselves in danger.

5 minutes
