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Tòimhseachan nan Tunnag

For the daring and brave young lifeboat Lucas, there's no job too daunting. Will Lucas and Alasdair be able to solve the riddle of the 'floating eyes'?

Tha am bàta-teasairginn dàna, Lucas, deònach gabhail ri dùbhlan sam bith. Fhad 's a tha Lucas 's an sgiobair aice, Alasdair, trang a' dìon nan cuantan, tha muinntir a bhaile iad fhèin trang - le spòrs 's mire gu leòr.

Tha rudeigin neònach a' dol air n-adhart air bhàrr nan tuinn.... tha sùilean eagallach a' fleòdradh air feadh an àite, a' cuir eagal 's iongnadh air a h-uile duine. An tig aig Lucas 's Alasdair air an tòimhseachan a fhreagairt?

For the daring and brave young lifeboat Lucas, there's no job too daunting. While Lucas and coxswain Alasdair are busy protecting the seas, the other residents of the town find plenty of their own adventures.

Something very strange is happening out at sea... strange floating eyes have appeared out of nowhere! The mystery must be solved but can Lucas and Alasdair find the answer to this scary riddle?

5 minutes
