The Western Isles currently has the highest percentage of residents living under fuel poverty in Scotland. What can be done?
Tha an à ireamh as motha de dhaoine ann an Alba a tha beò fo bhochdainn chonnaidh a' fuireach anns na h-Eileanan Siar. Ma dh' fhaodte còrr is 60% dhen à ireamh-shluaigh.
Ach carson a tha an suideachadh cho dona, agus dè a tha a' tachairt gus piseach a thoirt air a' chùis? 'S le prìs a' chonnaidh airson carbadan a' sìor èirigh sna h-eileanan, bheir sinn sùil cuideachd air na rudan innleachdach a tha muinntir an à ite agus diofar choimhearsnachdan ris son cùisean a leasachadh - 's iad a' cleachdadh cuid den teicneòlas as ùire agus as glaine a th'ann. Tha na h-eileanaich air a bhith a-riamh aithnichte son an dòigh 's a bheil iad air a bhith beò le an cuid à rainneachd bho thùs. 'S tha sin a cheart cho fìor san là an-diugh, le muinntir na sgìre a' lorg dòighean ùra, ùr-ghnà thach airson feumalachdan neart nan Eilean Siar a choileanadh, 's iad ag amas air beatha a tha ìosal ann an gualainn san à m ri teachd.
The Western Isles currently has the highest percentage of residents living under fuel poverty in Scotland, some estimates putting the figure at over 60 per cent of the population. Why though is the situation so bad and what action is being taken to improve this?
With vehicle fuel prices continually on the rise in the islands, we'll also look at some of the innovative steps that individuals and community groups alike have been taking to improve their own situation - using some of the newest and cleanest technology available. The islanders have long had a reputation for self-sufficiency, utilising their surrounding environment, and this is still the case today with new alternative energy options being investigated as we move towards a low carbon energy future.
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