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Episode 3

An t-seachdain a-rithist, tha sgioba ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹. Reporting on the most interesting stories from around Europe.

30 minutes

Seirbheis Slàinte Romàinia

Tha an t-seirbheis slàinte ann an Romàinia air fulang fad iomadh bliadhna le cion airgid. Cha robh e na phrìomhachas ann an linn nan comannach, is fiù 's an-diugh tha an t-seirbheis nas miosa dheth na roinn slàinte sam bith eile san Aonadh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch. Nas lugha na dithis dhotair airson gach mìle duine, letheach an àbhaist ann an dùthchannan an EU. Cosgais air slàinte nas ìsle na dùthaich sam bith eile san EU cuideachd. Aona eisimpleir de shoirbheachas ged tha, 's e cùram HIV/AIDS. Tha an t-seirbheis air cuid a ghlac HIV fichead bliadhna air ais a chumail beò gu ruige an-diugh, is tha na h-àireamhan de luchd-cleachdaidh dhrogaichean le HIV ann an Romàinia gu math nas ìsle na dùthchannan eile taobh sear na Roinn Eorpa.

Ged-thà, tha measgachadh de chion airgid a th' ann co-dhiù, a bharrachd air gearraidhean de chairteal ann an tuarastail phoblach, a' cur eagal air cuid gu bheil an t-seirbheis a' fulang is gun tèid an obair a chaidh a dhèanamh ann an cùram AIDS a mhilleadh. Le dotairean a' fàgail airson pàigheadh nas fheàrr thall tharais, is dragh nach bi daoine comasach pàigheadh airson leighis nuair a thig sgeama ùr a-staigh aig toiseach na h-ath bhliadhna, tha Darren Linc a' faighneachd dè dìreach cho fallainn sa tha siostam slàinte Romàinia.

Romanian Health Service

Romanian Health Service

The Romanian health service has suffered for a number of years from underinvestment. The sector was not prioritised during Communist times, and even today the system is less well funded than any other in the EU. Fewer than 2 doctors per 1000 head of population, half the EU average. The lowest expenditure per head on health in the EU. However, one success story has been the treatment for HIV/AIDS. The service has kept alive many who contracted HIV twenty years ago, and the number of drug users with HIV in Romania is much lower than in other eastern European countries.

However, endemic underinvestment, as well as public sector pay cuts of 25%, have caused many to fear that the health service is suffering and that the work done in AIDS care in the past could be compromised. With doctors emigrating for better pay abroad, and worries that patients won’t be able to afford a co-payment system due to begin next year, Darren Laing examines the state of Romanian health care.

  • Wed 13 Oct 2010 20:30

  • Fri 15 Oct 2010 19:25

  • Fri 15 Oct 2010 19:30 Scotland only


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Â鶹Éç Naidheachdan

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