Ag Ionnsachadh le Blarag/Learning with Connie Series 2 Episodes Episode guide
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Leabhar Bhlà raig: An Toigh Leat na h-Ubhlan Sin? / Connie's Scrapbook (How Do You Like Them Apples?)
18/18 Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag's photos have fallen on the floor.
Nuair a Dh'fhà sas mi Mòr: Latha Losgainn/When I grow up (Future Frog)
17/18 We find out what a tadpole turns into when it grows up.
Nuair a Dh'fhasas mi Mor: Latha Losgainn (When I grow up: Future Frog)
17/18 Animals change a lot when they grow up. What do you think a tadpole turns into?
Nuair a Dh'fhasas mi Mor: Blog a' Fas (When I Grow Up: Changing Chirp)
16/18 We find out what a chick turns into when it grows up.
Nuair a Dh'fhasas mi Mor: Beibidh Bealag (When I Grow Up: Baby Bella)
15/18 Can you guess what the butterfly's baby looks like?
Leabhar Bhlà raig: Cruth-atharrachadh an Dealain-dè (Connie's Scrapbook: Pinto's Metamorphasis)
14/18 Blarag learns about a butterfly's metamorphosis.
Leabhar Bhlà raig: Flùraichean a' Fàs / Connie's Scrapbook (Flower Power)
13/18 We help Blarag tidy up her photos and find out how a flower grows.
Leabhar Bhlà raig: Là ithean-saora Sneachdail (Connie's Scrapbook: Snowy Holiday)
12/18 Blarag wants to show us her photos of animals with tails.
Nuair a Dh'fhà sas mi Mòr: Uan air an Tulach / When I Grow Up (A Lamb a Ram a Ding Dong)
11/18 The lamb is looking for its daddy, an animal with lots of very soft hair and curly horns.
Nuair a Dh'fhà sas mi Mòr/When I grow up (If it Quacks like a Duck)
10/18 Connie meets a little chick. What will it grow into?
Leabhar Bhlà raig: Losgann: na Bliadhnachan Trà th / Connie's Scrapbook (Frog, the Early Years)
9/18 Blarag wants to show us her photos of the different stages in a frog's life.
Caite Bheil Uilleam? Uilleam Fliuch is Fiadhaich (Where's Wally? - Wet, Wild and Wally)
8/18 Blà rag is playing hide-and-seek with her friends.
An Losgann Aonranach (Birds of a Feather - The Lonely Frog)
7/18 Blarag's friend the frog is looking for his brother.
Earball Araidh/Connie the Naturalist (A Familiar Tail)
6/18 Blarag wants to show us her photos of animals with tails.
Detectibh Blà rag: An Nathair Sheòlta (Detective Connie: the Case of the Sneaky Snake)
5/18 We have to help Blarag find a green and orange snake.
Cà ite Bheil Uilleam? Cùl Rud Beò! (Where's Wally - Viva la Wally!)
4/18 Blà rag is playing hide-and-seek with her friends. Uilleam could be hiding behind a rock.
Eòin Iteagach (Fine Feathered Friends)
3/18 Blarag looks at all the animals that have wings and feathers, to find a bird among them.
Detective Connie and the Beaver
2/18 Blarag wants your help finding a picture of a beaver.
An Daolag-bhreac Dhearg
1/18 Gaelic children's cartoon.