Tom Tractar Episodes Episode guide
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26/26 Cowboy fun and games on Springhill Farm.
Tom Dripeil (Tom's Busy Day)
25/26 Tom is left in charge and he's all alone with lots to do!
Tiodhlaig bho Luath (A Surprise for Fi)
24/26 Cò-là breith sgoinneil - tapadh leatsa, Tom! The very best birthday ever - thanks to Tom.
An Cladach Mòr (The Big Hole)
23/26 Saor-là ithean an à iteigin teth - tha beachd aig Tom. A holiday down under? Tom has a plan.
An Creutair Oidhche (Haywire Hens)
22/26 Gu dè idir a tha ceà rr air na cearcan an-diugh. The hens are behaving very strangely.
Teanas (Anyone for Tennis)
21/26 Tom has been practising his tennis skills for the season.
Gà rraidhean fo Bhlà th (Flower Power)
20/26 Farpais mhòr nam flùraichean - cò bhuannaicheas? Fi takes part in the big garden contest.
Seall is ÃŒnnis (Show and Tell)
19/26 It's a cold winter's day. Time for a cosy game indoors.
A' Chuirm-chnuic (The Big Picnic)
18/26 Tom puts a stop to trouble at the picnic.
Am Bodach-ròcais Ùr (The New Scarecrow)
17/26 The farmyard friends make a perfect scarecrow.
An Tadhal Oidhche (The Wheezy Files)
16/26 What on earth is Wheezy up to throughout the night?
Mòr fo Bhròn (Mo's Low)
15/26 Mo the cow badly needs her friends to cheer her up.
A' Chuirm-Ciùil (Musical Mayhem)
14/26 Tom conducts musical mayhem on the farm.
An Fhèill aig Fi (A Carnival for Fi)
13/26 Matt and Fi are invited to a carnival - but there's a problem.
An Tòir air Ulaidh (Treasure Trail)
12/26 Matt is looking for buried gold.
Srann Dripeill (Job for Buzz)
11/26 Tha Srann a' cuideachadh - na bheachd fhèin! Buzz can't help showing off.
Leisg gu Leum (The Big Jump)
10/26 Cò chuireas crioch air a' pheatadh? Matt needs help with painting.
Là Spòrs/Sports Day
9/26 Cleas is farpais air an tuathanas. Sports day fun and games on the farm.
SèIitean air Seachran/Where Is Wheezy?
8/26 Sèitean bochd tùrsach - cuidichidh Tom! Wheezy feels very sad, but Tom will cheer him up!
Srann air Iteig (Fly Away Buzz)
7/26 Tha ghaoth ann - agus tha Srann airson cluich. It's a windy day and Buzz wants to play.
Glan is Sgiobalta/Clean Machinea
6/26 Saothair ri dheanamh, mus tig an t-uisge. Busy before the rain comes.
Ball-coise/Football Crazy
5/26 Tha gèama mòr ball-coise na thrioblaid an-diugh. Football chaos for Tom on the farm.
Obair Altraim (Baa Baa Tom Sheep)
4/26 Caraid ùr air an tuathanas - uan beag laghach. A little lamb is rather confused.
Ubhlan Pronn (Apple Squash)
3/26 Dè ghabhas deanamh leis na tha seo de dh'ubhlan? An apple overload.
A' Chuirm-Chluich/Showtime Tom
2/26 The sheep go dancing, and Tom joins in!
Seirm Àraid/Ringtone
1/26 Matt's mobile phone is lost. Tom to the rescue!