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Sgeulachd Luchd-Siubhal (The Travellers' Tale)

Episode 6 of 20

Roseanna and Shamus Macphee's family were part of a 1947 experiment designed to take Gypsy travellers off the roads of Perthshire.

Bha teaghlach Roseanna agus Shamus Mac a' Ph矛 nam p脿irt de dheuchainn sh貌isealta a th貌isich ann an naoi ceud deug d脿 fhichead 's a seachd - deuchainn a bha airson luchd-suibhal a thoirt far na rathaidean ann an Siorrachd Pheairt. Tha a'Chomhairle a-nis am beachd seann dhachaigh teaghlach Mhic a' Ph矛 ann am Bobbin Mill, Baile Chloichridh,a leagail airson toghlaichean eile a thogail ach a bheil seo a'ciallachadh gu bheil an deuchainn da r矛ribh seachad?

Roseanna and Shamus Macphee's family were part of an experiment set up in 1947 designed to take Gypsy travellers off the roads of Perthshire. The old family hut in Bobbin Mill, Pitlochry, is due to be demolished to make way for chalets but does this mark the end of the experiment?

1 hour
