Norwegian adventurer Lars Monsen travels on foot, on a dog sledge, on skies and in a canoe from North east-Alaska to the Labrador-coast.
'S e Lars Monsen fear de na cruadalaichearan as ainmeile ann an Nirbhidh. Tha e air c貌rr air 3400 l脿 a chuir seachad 's an fh脿sach. Tha cuid de na tursan aige a'gabhail 脿ite air talamh a tha fiadhaich 's garbh. 'S ann le bhith a'coiseachd, air losgann, anns na speuran agus ann an curach a tha Lars Monsen am beachd suibhal as Alaska a Tuath gu ruige cost Labrador. 'S e dubhlan air leth dhoirbh a tha seo,ach, 's e doigh-smaoineachaidh Lars: tha gach n矛 comasach.
Lars Monsen is one of Norway's most famous adventurers. He has spent more than 3400 days in the wilderness, over half of them during winter. Many of his expeditions take place north of the polar circle in wild and inhospitable terrain. On foot, on a dog sledge, on skis and in a canoe - Lars Monsen will travel from north-east Alaska to the Labrador coast.
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Soillse: Talamh Fuar
Duration: 01:06