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Balaich a' Mhiosachain (Jock - Naked Peat)

Episode 2 of 20

The success of Calendar Girls inspired many people to use nakedness for fundraising. Retired police officer Jock Murray is one of them.

Thug an dìleab shoirbheachail a dh' fhàg 'Calendar Girls' an WRI brosnachadh do dh' iomadach buidheann agus neach an aodach a shadail dhiobh airson airgead a thogail do charthannas. 'S e sin dìreach a rinn Jock Moireach a b' àbhaist a bhith na oifigear poileis ach a th' air a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth. Seach gu robh tinneas anns an teaghlach aige fhèin, chuir e iomairt carthannais air dòigh gus mìosachan sònraichte a dhèanamh a' sealltainn cleachdaidhean traidiseanta buain na mònach.

The phenomenal success of the legacy left by the WRI 'Calendar Girls' inspired many groups and individuals to take up the challenge of exploiting nakedness for charity fundraising. Retired metropolitan police officer Jock Murray is one such individual. Driven by illness within his own immediate family, he chose the theme of traditional methods of producing winter fuel as his cold, windswept backdrop, to the very unique Hebridean Peat-Cutters calendar.

1 hour
