The conflict about parental rights across international borders is a growing issue. In this programme, two mothers fight to keep their children.
Tha dithis mh脿thair a' sabaid airson an cuid chloinne a chumail as d猫idh sgaradh eadar-n脿iseanta. Thug Miranda an nighean air ais chun na Netherlands as an Eadailt gun chead athair Noa. Cha do thill dithis nighean Jeanette air ais thuice as d猫idh l脿ithean saora c貌mhla ri an athair a bhuineas don 脠ipheit. Tha am buaireadh mu ch貌raichean ph脿rantan thar chr矛ochan eadar-n脿iseanta a' s矛or fh脿s.
Two mothers fight to keep their children after international separation. Miranda took her daughter back to the Netherlands from Italy without the consent of Noa's father. Jeanette's two young daughters did not return to her after a holiday with their Egyptian father. The conflict about parental rights across international borders is a growing issue.