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The Cinematics

Episode 1 of 6

Kicking the music series off with a live studio set are the Cinematics, with a powerful 80s-inspired dance rock sound. Plus a video from Skye's Niteworks.

Tha Rapal air ais! Sreath gu tur ùr, agus an tuilleadh den cheòl as fheàrr ann an Alba! Dè eile a shaoileadh tu? San stiùdio, son cùisean a' thòiseachadh, le buaidh na 80an na luib, an ceòl cumhachdail danns ròc aig The Cinematics. Tha bhideo sgoinneil ùr bhon chòmhlan a bhuannaich farpais òrain ùr Ghàidhlig Rapal - Niteworks às an Eilean Sgitheanach; 's leanaidh sinn cuideachd pàirt de chuairt shònraichte a chuir an còmhlan Sunrise not Secular air chois, 's iad a' feuchainn ri Gàidheil òg a mhisneachadh gus òrain Ghàidhlig ùr a' sgrìobhadh iad fhèin!

Kicking the music series off with a live studio set are the Cinematics, with a powerful 80s-inspired dance rock sound. There's a great video from the band who won Rapal's Gaelic song competition, Niteworks from Skye, and the programme catches up with Gaelic rock band Sunrise not Secular, on a special tour as they aim to encourage the next generation of young Gaelic song writers to give it a go.

30 minutes

Last on

Sun 12 Jun 2011 00:10

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Role Contributor
Presenter Niall Iain MacDonald


Na Còmhlain

Faic na còmhlain a tha air nochdadh air Rapal Tbh.