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Sgeulachd a Afraga / An African Tale

Episode 12 of 13

Animated folk-tales from around the world. An African Cinderella story where the neglected step-daughter wins the hand of the King's son.

Dealbhan-be貌 st猫idhichte air sgeulachdan as gach cearnaidh. Anns a sgeulachd seo a Afraga tha nighean a th'air a h-uchd mhacachd a' fulang is gun di霉 aig a' mathair dhith. Le taic ge tha bho spiorad na gaoithe agus calman, tha 霉rachadh agus ardachadh a' tighinn oirre.

An African Cinderella story where, with the help of a Wind Spirit and a dove, the neglected step-daughter eventually wins the hand of the King's son.

15 minutes
