Episode 8
Animated folk tales. Ruairidh gets lost delivering stockings and seeks shelter with an old woman who will offer it in return for a story.
Dealbhan be貌 st猫idhichte air sgeulachdan bho thall is a bhos. 'S e gille dicheallach a th'ann an Ruaraidh. Ach cha ro moran cur-seachad aige na bheatha, agus nuair a tha seann chailleach ag iarraidh sgeulachd bhuaithe mar dhuais airson a chuideachadh , chaneil aona sgeulachd aige a bh'air e dhith. Tha i ga chuir chun t-sitig agus le na h-annasan a tha a' feitheamh air , chan fhada gus am bi e aige na phaigheas i.
When hardworking young Ruairidh gets lost delivering stockings to a merchant, he seeks shelter with an old woman who will offer it in return for a story. But Ruairidh has never had any fun and so has no story to tell.
Ejected by the old woman, Ruairidh finds himself on a wild journey of talking animals and eccentric officials. When the journey returns him to the old woman's house he finds he does have a story to tell after all.