Cluicheadair ball-coise air tuiteam marbh air p脿ircean-cluiche E貌rpach, carson? Investigating the tragic, unexplained deaths of young footballers.
In the last five years more than 40 soccer players have collapsed and died on European soccer pitches. Fit, well-trained young men. Why did the die? Indications are that the reason could be powerful analgesics: with heavy use of the powerful painkillers being normal combat joint pain simply to make it onto the pitch. The programme investigates fatalities in Denmark, Norway and Portugal.
Anns na c貌ig bliadhna a chaidh seachad, tha c貌rr is d脿 fhichead cluicheadair ball-coise air tuiteam marbh air p脿ircean-cluiche E貌rpach. D猫 d矛reach a tha a' toirt b脿s dhaibh? Thathas a' cur a' choire air pileachan-cr脿idh oir gu bheil cluicheadairean gan cleachdadh nas trice a-nis gus pian nan cn脿mhan a sheachnadh. Tha am pr貌gram a' rannsachadh suidheachaidhean anns an Danmhairc, an Nirribhidh agus Portugal.