Last Man Standing Series 2 Episodes Episode guide
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Outrigger Canoe Race
10/10 The athletes take part in a two-day canoe race between islands off Papua New Guinea.
India: Kushti Wrestling
9/10 The athletes take on the locals in the ancient Indian art of Kushti wrestling.
Sumbawa Buffalo Racing
8/10 The athletes are in Indonesia, driving pairs of racing buffalo along a drag track.
Philippines: Sikaran Kick-Fighting
7/10 The athletes take on the sport of sikaran, a brutal form of kick-fighting.
Kamchatka - Koriyak Endurance Race
6/10 The athletes are in Kamchatka in Asia to take on Koriyak nomads in an endurance race.
Bhutanese Archery
5/10 The athletes are in Bhutan to learn the national sport of archery.
Wauja Canoe Race
4/10 The lads are in a very rainy central Brazil to race canoes against the Wauja tribe.
Sherpa Mountain Race
3/10 The adventurers compete in a punishing race up a mountain in the shadow of Everest.
Samo Wrestling
2/10 In Burkina Faso, the contestants take part in a brutal inter-village wrestling contest.
Suri Stick-Fighting
1/10 In southern Ethiopia, the lads take on the deadly sport of Suri stick-fighting.