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Sannt no Eiginn (Organs for Sale)

Tha daoine bhon an Àird an Iar a' dol a-null gu na dùthchannan bochd gus buill-bodhaig a cheannach. The illegal organ trade in south-east Asia.

Thathas an aghaidh margaid nam buill-bodhaig anns a' chuid mhòr de dh' àiteachan, ach thig fàs air a' ghnìomhachas seo cho fad 's a thèid daoine bhon an Àird an Iar a-null gu na dùthchannan bochd gus buill-bodhaig a cheannach bho daoine a tha fhathast beò agus deònach an toirt seachad. Tha Sannt no Èiginn a' leantainn Jim, a tha air a bhith a' feitheamh airson dubhag ùr airson sia bliadhna.

The market for human organs is condemned in most places but it will continue to grow as long as rich patients from the West go on travelling to the Third World to buy organs from poor living donors. Plenty of people in countries such as India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan are prepared to sell an organ and the trade has proved impossible to stop, as there is no prospect of the West becoming self-sufficient in organs. Organs for Sale follows Jim, 40 years old and father of two. He has been waiting for a kidney-donor for six years, during which his condition has gradually deteriorated. He is afraid he will die before a donor appears, and has decided to take matters into his own hands.

1 hour
