Jeremy Vine Clips
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CALLERS: "My flabber has never been so gasted!"
Duration: 03:12
Jeremy's interview with Hanna Oppenheim
Duration: 15:29
Working with Clive Dunn on Dad's Army
Duration: 03:45
"I had to tell a patient he would die within hours."
Duration: 02:50
World War 1 trenches in a back garden
Duration: 01:08:00
CALLER: "I have 18 dogs."
Duration: 01:29
Jeremy's interview with Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley
Duration: 20:49
Tips for Starting a Free Business
Duration: 01:18
Vanessa's Cuban Missile Package
Duration: 02:28
Parachuting as the Queen
Duration: 02:11
Bossy Older Sister
Duration: 02:49
Jeremy speaks patois
Duration: 02:13
Retro radio gold with Jeremy and Trevor Dann
Duration: 02:13
Who should pay for the Bomber Command memorial opening ceremony?
Duration: 03:20
Listener tells Ed Miliband what he needs to do to become PM
Duration: 00:30
Stuart Hall on the Ryder Cup
Duration: 01:50