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Poached Apricot with Elderflower Granita

Lemon and Elderflower Poached Apricots with Elderflower Granita

Elderflower Cordial


15 elderflower heads, washed
1 litre boiling water
450g castor sugar
1 lemon, finely sliced
2 teaspoons citric acid


Place the sugar in a bowl and pour over the boiling water. Stir until the sugar has dissolved and then add the lemon and elderflower heads and stir well.
Add the citric acid and cover for 24 hours.
Strain through muslin and store in sterilized bottles.

Lemon and Elderflower Poached Apricots


8 ripe apricots
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
50ml elderflower cordial
100ml white or rose wine


Cut the apricots in half and remove the stone.
Heat a pan until hot and place apricots, cut side down, in the pan until scorched.

Add the cordial and cook to a syrup. Add the lemon zest, juice and wine and cover with parchment paper. Simmer gently until just soft. Cool in the juices.

Elderflower Granita


100g sugar
100ml water
Zest and juice 1 lemon
100ml elderflower cordial
350ml sparkling water


Cook the lemon and sugar until the sugar has dissolved. Cool and add the lemon juice and zest.

Mix the cordial with the water and mix into the sugar mixture. Place in a plastic tub in the freezer. After 2 hours, shave with a fork into crystals. Place back in the freezer and repeat this every hour for 3 hours.

Spoon the apricots into glasses or bowls and spoon over the granite.

Lovely with a splash of gin added!