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Young Reporter Ellen's poem: Life in lockdown 2020

Life in lockdown 2020

Listen to P7 pupil Ellen reading her poem reflecting on her experiences in lockdown.

2020 was to be the most fabulous year. We had big plans as P7s, that we would cheer. Confirmation, cake sales, a final sports day, our cycling proficiency and even a sneaky chippie takeaway.

We were working so hard and having so much fun, our teachers even struggled with the daily mile run! School was exciting and a good place to be, as we laughed, played and could all just be ME.

But wait, everyone is talking about something called Covid-19. School closures, home learning and the need to self-quarantine.

Social distancing, washing hands, please go out less: Stay home, stay safe and protect the NHS.

As P7s we probably all shed some tears - as we struggled to understand everyone’s fears.

Our grandparents all just wanted a huge hug. But no, keep two metres apart because of this Covid bug.

We’ll miss the final farewell and teachers recalling memories of our year. The class of 2020: The Rainbow Year.

But we stayed indoors and made new memories, of Seesaw and online dancing - oh our children will hear some stories!

Late nights looking at the stars and making rainbows. Playing cards and zoom bingo, and clapping for our heroes.

Saying mass at home and making an iced bun. Learning to bake bread and playing in the sun.

I didn’t get to dance at the World’s, instead everything went online. But I’ll be ready for the Ulster’s - to sparkle and shine.

To the leavers of 2020, we missed out on a lot. But look at what we gained: Family time and being part of a major history plot.

The rainbow kids saved the day. We stayed at home hip-hip hooray!!!